Wednesday, 9 January 2019

The weight of business decisions

Yes, it is a business...

It isn't a hobby, a past-time, it isn't even a gift. It is a job and a business, it requires over 40 hours a week to attempt to make a living out of it. There is nothing wrong with doing what you love for a living, but I am not fooling myself, it is no easy ride!

The right path

Like every other business out there, my business come under scrutiny (by me, harshest critic). I have to decide what is the best way to go, sometimes it is informed decisions, sometime it can be a shot in the dark, like my last decision...
Since setting up, I have done prints of my paintings, selling them at reasonable prices to a wide audience. It has been my bread and butter, so to speak. The fork in the road came when I had very little time left to do original paintings and the inevitable need to grow the print side of the business threw me a dilemma: I could put all my energy in expanding my "distribution" and live with the fact that there would be nothing left to grow the original painting side of things.
Or I could choose status quo, but this is a risky strategy in business.
To say that the idea of abandoning painting for printing and distribution was leaving me cold is an understatement. The feeling I get for selling one original painting is not even equalled by the sale of 500 prints. I was at a lost as to what was the right thing to do.

What ifs

That's when a business advisor threw me a curve ball. "Why don't you keep the prints just as they are, and give yourself two years putting your time and effort in building you sale of original paintings?" Is what he said to me. 
But what if it doesn't work... Then I can still pick up where I left off and expand into prints if I so wish.
I have taken that on board and I am putting everything into painting, enjoying every minute. Am I convinced? Not at all, I still question the decision everyday, but I have always, to fall back on, the fact that nothing has to be a final decision. It is a fork in the road that can either be a short cut or a detour, only time will tell.

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