Sunday, 17 May 2015

My life without my computer

Disaster strikes, my laptop goes on strike. It's not the first time it's happened, after all he is getting on, in computer years that is. The last couple of times, it's cost me, so when a friend offered to have it repaired by a friend for cheap I handed the machine without a second thought.
Through the long and difficult 10 days without my precious lap warmer, I did have second thoughts (and third and fourth), worried that it would never come back to me the same as before. The agony was made only worst by my fruitless attempts to work from my "smart" phone; it is either way too smart for me or just frecking stupid (pardon my French!), because I just had to give up, frustrated and helpless!

To cut a long (read boring) story short, I got it back, in full working order. I would have thought that after so long, I would spend 48h straight pianoting but instead I realized I had got used to not having it and it took me a bit of time to make it's acquaintance again (that or I was just holding a grudge for having been let down so unexpectedly!)

During all the spare time I found I had while he was gone, I got thinking at how much I depended on technology for everything:
I wasn't able to research, or print, or shop for stocks. I wouldn't have been able to supply my stockists if I needed to. I got worried as to when was my last backup, and what wasn't backed up!!
I was stuck when it came to banking (who goes to the bank anymore!). I couldn't get my godson a birthday present, as he lives in Canada and I normally order something online to deliver directly to him, and it was too late to send something from here...
I couldn't market, update my website, take online orders as efficiently...
And I am sure I forget plenty of things, but very importantly, I wasn't able to post on here and that's my excuse for this month!

I am thinking of a second device, because when it comes to doing business, one just cannot go any amount of time without a computer these days!

Positive sides though: I got a whole load of reading done, watch boring television, and certainly got a few more hours sleep!

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