Sunday, 1 March 2015

Dear diary... where do I start?!?

Well, from the beginning might be a good idea...

I said 10 years didn't I? Well that's just ten years of contemplating that maybe somehow, someday, it might be possible to be a full time artist... That was a lot of maybe's underlined with plenty of if's. Before that, I just didn't think it could ever be anything else than a hobby. And my work was eclectic, unrefined and I wasn't practicing with enough discipline and regularity to improve it! See for yourself!

With my twenties came the move to Ireland, and the discovery of a place that welcomed art with open arms... but closed Gallery door.
Mistake no 1: Rushing into it.
I gathered a small body of work, with no real quality, with no real unity and sent a rather basic portefolio to some galleries. Unsurprisingly, I only got negative responses and you know what, I would say no myself looking at it now...

 I had somehow got it into my mind that the only way was to get into galleries, and at the back of that same mind, was resolute to die a poor, unrecognized artist!

And let me just go back on the title of this blog, "Wanna be..." I know has the implied meaning of someone who lacks the qualification and talent, and that's where I was, lacking qualifications from lacking practice, and lacking talent for not allowing my hands to do what they wanted to do and over thinking what would make me different, what would make people buy me.

But then I painted these, and for probably the first time I thought; you know what, I could be onto something after all:

 Coming up:
The struggle of the Part-Part-Time Artist

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