Sunday, 27 October 2013

Something special for Christmas, get your skates on, its just around the corner...

I know, I know, Halloween hasn't even come and gone and to talk about Christmas already is nothing less than... well unforgivable!
But it's for your own good :)
Je sais, je sais, ce n'est même pas encore Halloween et déjà on parle de Noël!!! Mais c'est pour votre bien!!

A little something special... small (5cm) €5, big (11cm) €10


Hand-painted wooden decoration, with space on the back for your special inscription...
Décoration de bois peinte à la main, avec revers pour votre inscription speciale...
More to come in a few days...

And with two paintings of the last series already sold, it is time to make a move if you've had your eye on one for a loved one or, no less important, for number 1!
Et avec deux toiles de la collection courante déjà vendues, c'est le temps de bouger si vous en vouliez une pour un être aimé, ou encore mieux, pour vous-même!



Wednesday, 23 October 2013

First delivery of my Limited edition prints...

The excitement, like a child on Christmas morning... now I hope some of you will share my enthusiasm about my newly available limited edition prints!
J'étais comme une enfant le matin de Noël quand la poste est arrivée cet après-midi... et j'espère bien que plusieurs d'entres-vous partagerez mon enthousiasme envers mes toutes nouvelles impressions à édition limitée!

You can now get most of my paintings in a fantastic quality, signed and numbered limited edition print. The sizes are from 8"x 10" and prices start at €35.00
Vous pouvez maintenant vous procurer la grande majorité de mes oeuvres en impression à édition limitée de qualité fantastique, signé et numerate. Les grandeurs disponibles sont de 8"x 10" et plus et les prix sont à partir de €35.00

I will post most information soon and you can contact me with any inquiry at

Some examples:

 8" x 10" €35                                 12"x 12"  €50
10"x 12" €45
12"x 16" €60

 12"x 12" €50                                        

Postage worldwide, inquire about costs
Payment by Paypal accepted
Allow a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks for delivery outside Ireland

This week's painting...still haven't put my finger on a title

So much about subtlety in my palette, I couldn't resist the red bicycle...

Friday, 18 October 2013

And again on the easel...

This week's paintings...

Finished with a lot of fiddling and headaches

In a good light  8"x10" €200

And finished in a breeze...

A dreaded departure 8"x 8" €120

Saturday, 5 October 2013

The palette: is less more?

I was just looking at my recent paintings and saw an immense contrast between the vibrant block colours of some and the subtle palette of others. And I started to wonder if less was really more, as they say rightly for so many things.
The thing with a limited subtle palette is that your generally working all the colours off the same bases, which ensures, in most case, a perfect harmony. When working with strong, contrasted colours, it takes a lot more thought and work to make sure all colours work together in their contrast rather than just clash and don't belong.
So I don't think less is more, but it probably lets the painter concentrate on technique and understanding how the colour works. My last two paintings used respectively 4 and 2 colours, excluding black and white of course, and I'm rather pleased with the results.
And what do you normally prefer? A restricted palette or a colourful one?

Friday, 4 October 2013

And another 2 nearly done:

My palette is very subdued at the moment, I'm not afraid of colour as it would have been seen in some previous painting but I'm growing quite fond of subtle...