Friday, 15 November 2013

A good tidy up is also part of the creative process...

And that's what I did today. There was stuff everywhere and you could barely walk through my makeshift studio. The work is all finished for the pre-Christmas fairs now (and I have my fingers crossed that it will all be dry in time!!), so it was time to clear the space and slowly get things ready for the next series. There is very little paint left, but all was put in it's place, the paintings that made the selection to be exhibited were carefully wrapped and put in the mega-folder, the ones that didn't were stored away, their future is unknown but some could resurface once I've had time away from them...
Un bon ménage fait partie du processus de creation.. Et c'est ce à quoi j'ai mis tous mes efforts aujourd'hui. Il y avait des trucs partout, qu'on pouvait à peine metre un pied devant l'autre dans mon atelier "improvise". Tout le travail maintenant complété pour les salons d'avant Noël (et je me croise les doigts que tout sera bel et bien sec à temps!!), alors il était grand temps de faire de l'espace et, lentement, se preparer pour les prochaines series. Il reste peu de peinture, mais chacune fut remise à sa place, les toiles qui ont passé le test de sélection emballées et placées dans le mega-portefolio... et celles qui furent exclues, mises de côté, leur avenir est incertain mais elles pourraient refaire surface lorsque j'aurai passé assez de temps sans elles... 
These are actually "after" pictures in case you`re in doubt :)

There is a great satisfaction in putting blank canvases in view, some sketching work at hand, to give the surfaces a good clean (there was an unattended spill of linseed oil and other unidentified substances that gave a good fight to keep their corner, but it was a knockout in the end).

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