Friday, 17 April 2015

To beat or not to beat... yourself up over missed deadline!

I have a small, young family. Most things revolve around them, the rest has to fit in, somehow! For the past 2 months, as I mentioned in the last post, bugs have got the better of us. After the children being afflicted, it was my turn. Don't you just love childcare years!
While it is exhausting looking after sickly kiddies, you can still pull out of the bag some energy to get things done. When it's yourself taking to bed rest, it's another story entirely.

So, I put my hands up, I am still now working on things I hoped to finished in March, and time is constantly ticking in my head. That's when I thought: what is the best thing to do now? Beat myself up or not?

If I take a casual approach on the whole thing and take no notice of my missing deadline, not fulfilling my objectives, well then does it subtly makes me believe I can allow myself to pretty much miss them whenever, under whatever excuse?
In that case, what is the point of setting them in the first place?
I could fool myself and think that when the deadline will involve a stockist, a customer, I will then be able to meet it, it will be more important, more motivating...
Or I could think that I'm unable to keep to deadlines and therefor I shouldn't make any promises on delivery time frame, etc.

Suddenly I feel very uncomfortable with the uncertainty of everything...

I could beat myself up and work overtime, into the small hours of the morning to catch up and, just guessing now, end up worn out by the whole thing by next month and miss all of the following month's deadlines... Not very productive, defeats the purpose.

So I will adopt my favorite position in most situation: a happy middle ground.
I will reschedule the things that are not as urgent, will prioritize to an inch of my life, and will get on with work as I would normally, allowing overtime whenever I feel like it, or if an order needs completion.

My motto always remain: after all good work comes enjoyment, but good work only comes from enjoying the process!