Monday, 27 January 2014

Some might say it's a bad start to the new year resolutions...

As it has been nearly three weeks since my last post, and that my first resolution was to write weekly on the blog... I can see the argument. But, not to make excuses, but my computer was away getting a good TLC, and I received a very precious visit all the way from Québec, Canada, it would have been rude to abandon them on "business" grounds.

But here we are, and after thorough research, I will be soon able to order materials for my first prototypes. In the pipelines are  hand-painted wooden keepsake boxes, albums and children memory games.

I will document the process and share it as I go along.

Monday, 6 January 2014

New Year resolutions... the list is extensive!

Big leap over Christmas festivities and we're already a week into 2014. No word of a lie, it was the morning of January 2nd that I first set foot back into the studio, that's enthusiasm for you! I've got my thinking cap on at the moment, and it's more pen than brushes cause plans have to be made for the year ahead. So I'm coming up with a somewhat modest new-year's resolution list, forget the losing 10lbs, the quitting smoking (I don't smoke anyway, that would be an easy one!) and the putting aside the red wine (as if!)... so here it goes:

*Write weekly on this Blog :)
*Update website
*New series of 10 paintings for limited prints
*Get limited prints in 3 shops
*Find better value printing services
*Develop 3 craft products and try to find Irish supplies
*Get craft products in 3 shops
*Participate to at least 1 summer fair
*Participate to at least 3 xmas fairs
*Set up business Facebook page and maybe one competition
*Set up an Etsy shop
*Take a course maybe in woodcraft or something like that!
Well, that should keep me busy! What are your resolutions? add them up in the comments... don't worry I wouldn't hold you up to them!!